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Title IX Coordinator & Staff

Title IX Coordinator

Ken Broekemeier
3516 South 48th Street
Lincoln, NE 68506

Title IX Staff 

Rita Glenn
3516 South 48th Street
Lincoln, NE 68506

Shawna Nims-Arrigo
3516 South 48th Street
Lincoln, NE 68506

All Title IX materials used to train Title IX Coordinator & Staff

- An Introduction to Managing Title IX Sexual Harassment on Campus, (Title IX Training Series, Thompson Coburn LLP)

- Formal Complaints of Title IX Sexual Harassment, (Title IX Training Series, Thompson Coburn LLP)

- Title IX Investigations & Informal Resolutions (Title IX Training Series, Thompson Coburn LLP)

- Title IX Hearings (Title IX Training Series, Thompson Coburn LLP)

- Title IX Determinations (Title IX Training Series, Thompson Coburn LLP)

- Title IX Appeals (Title IX Training Series, Thompson Coburn LLP)

- The First Amendment and Title IX (U.S. Dept. of Education)

- OCR Short Webinar on How to Report Sexual Harassment under Title IX

- Conducting and Adjudicating Title IX Hearings: An OCR Training Webinar

- OCR Webinar: Title IX Regulations Addressing Sexual Harassment.

Title IX Coordinator Training - Ken Broekemeier - June 14th, 2022 - CM142 - Understanding Title IX, VAWA & the Clery Act   via AACS MaxKnowlege Continuing Education -

Title IX Coordinator Training - Ken Broekemeier - August 17th, 2022 - All New Title IX Regulations: Once Again Shifting Obligations of Institutions and Coordinators with the Duane Morris Institute, presented by Edward Cramp and Jessica High.  (

Title IX Coordinator Training - Ken Broekemeier - June 15th, 2023 - CM140 - Title IX and VAWA Training: Building Safer Campuses via AACS MaxKnowlege Continuing Education -

Title IX & VAWA Annual Training - Ken Broekemeier - September 8th, 2023 - D.L. Training Solutions with Presenter: Christopher DeLuca. Training regarding issues of sexual misconduct on college campuses. Includes instruction on how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects the safety of victims and promotes accountability.  Training Material

Title IX Coordinator Training - Ken Broekemeier - July 11th, 2024 - Title IX/VAWA Training with Presenter: Christopher Deluca. This This three hour training will include instruction both on the new Title IX regulations and schools’ continuing obligations under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Title IX and VAWA require all Title IV institutions to have policies in place designed to reduce incidents of sexual harassment, and to investigate and adjudicate formal complaints of sexual harassment, including sexual misconduct. Chris provides instruction and analysis to these complicated laws and regulations in an understandable form, and will focus on the many changes under the new Title IX regulations that are scheduled to become effective on August 1, 2024. Training Material

Title IX Training - Ken Broekemeier and Rita Franklin - July 16th, 2024  Chris Deluca, DeLuca Law LLC, and Sally Samuels (FAME) present an informative discussion of the new Title IX Regulations, effective August 1, 2024. This webinar will help you understand the new requirements, what has changed, and how to update your current policies and procedures. Training Material


Joseph's College Cosmetology does not discriminate in its enrollment practices on the basis of age, sex, race, ethnic origin, religion, gender, gender identity or color. Title IX requires the school not to discriminate. Joseph's College Cosmetology will identify, evaluate and provide reasonable accommodations to students who are disabled within the meaning of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Shawna Arrigo, Vice President will serve as the coordinator of Section 504 activities.

Student & Staff Title IX Training

To view "Pre-August 14th, 2020 Title IX Training" for students and staff please visit

To view "Title IX Training" created 2023 for staff and educators please visit



is accredited by the National Accrediting
Commission of Career Arts and Sciences.


American Association of Cosmetology Schools

Joseph's College Main Office
1.800.742.7827 | 3516 South 48th Street, Lincoln, NE 68506
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